Trailers, Transports and Tricks: How to Transport Cars
TipsWith 0 commentsFor many of us, transporting cars have been traditionally seen as the truck and trailer combo where many cars are stacked on a double-deck structure. However, car owners usually come with many individual tastes as customers for auto transport – some of them may even have cars that are valued enough that just leaving them to the elements really does not sound like a good idea at all. And if in doubt you can always call us here at
Here are some options, of which at least one will appeal to any type of car owner:
Double-Deck Open Trailers
This is the cheapest way to ship your car – essentially, it’s like a “bus” trailer that can carry multiple cars in a double-deck structure. However, if you will have your car transported this way, then you should clear the car of all personal effects, make sure that nothing is stored anywhere in the car, have the fuel at a low level, and make sure it’s clean and inspected for any pre-existing marks, dents, and scratched. You should also be willing to have your car withstand some elements like rain or light snow.
Single-Level Open Trailers
If you’re having an SUV or similarly large vehicle transported, or if your vehicle has low clearance, large tires, or has modifications that disqualify it from being transported by a double-deck trailer, then a single deck open trailer might be a better, though more expensive choice. These single-level trailers can range from single-car types to trailers that can accommodate up to three cars at a time.
Closed Trailer
If your car has a high value, such as a sports car, or a vintage car model, then it makes sense to use a closed trailer. This is similar in form to a cargo truck trailer, except that the inside has been modified to transport vehicles. This is probably the most secure form of transport, as the closed trailer will protect your vehicle from the weather.
Driveaway is an option where the transport service will hire someone to drive your car to the intended destination. This is by far the cheapest version of auto transport, and is suggested if the car owner does not mind the added mileage and a bit of wear and tear. Drivers for this kind of service are screened, and there company’s insurance should cover for any other cost involved.
Some transport services will transport your car to an area terminal, where you can pick your car up. This is fairly common, as in many cases, you will drop your car at a loading terminal, and later on, pick it up in a similar terminal closest to your destination
There are some services that either combines a terminal with a driveaway option to deliver your car directly to the destination, or, if you are using an enclosed trailer that’s small enough, then the truck and trailer can deliver your car directly to the destination.
How you prefer your car to be transported is directly up to you. Be prepared to pay the cost, though. As your car becomes more secure, expect that the cost will be higher.